Have you been wanting to start eating clean and you just cant?
Bad food just keep calling your name very loudly and you give in every single time? You are always tired, mood swings, you been eating meat your whole life and you haven’t cleansed in a few months? If you answered YES! Congratulations you’re reading the perfect blog.
So look here.
Ya Girl has been trying to get this food under control for the last few weeks. Like I mean few weeks I think its been actually 3 months. Don’t make that face ya girl has crazy food addictions. So I am a sweet kind of girl I love sweets. Let me give you an example. I love Candy!!!!!! When I say I Love it i Love it with all my heart. Unfortunately candy isn’t the healthiest thing for my body nor my teeth. I also love ice cream, cookies, cakes, coke and all that stuff that makes you all happy. So whenever I am trying to reach my fitness and health goals it slows me down a little. As I am writing this someone is asking me do I want a Black Berry Cobbler. UMMMMM yeah I do everyday but No Thank you! This cleanse really resets your body. Let me get down to what you all would like to know.
Wheeze The Juice
So Wheeze is located in Oklahoma City. It is Located downtown the Address is 30 NE 2nd ST Unit 1B Oklahoma City, Ok 73104.
The telephone number is 405-602-0102.
The hours are Every Day 7am-7pm.
This is one of my favorite spots here in Oklahoma City. Not only do they offer Juice Cleanses they also carry protein balls, smoothies, juices, smoothie bowls and food at another locations. Their staff is so friendly I always feel welcomed when I visit this location. Also it is very clean and there are a lot of my green friends there (plants). The staff is very knowledgeable about their products.
So my favorite smoothies are the Banana Nicole Smith and the Princess Peach. For the Smoothie bowls my Fav is the Harriet Bowl. All of their products are made in house and served with fresh produce. The have a bar area where you can sit in there and enjoy whatever you buy. The lighting is good in there for all my Instagram people.
So down to the cleanse.
So the ultimate goal of my cleanse was to reset my body to help me start eating clean, give my body a break from solid food, get rid of all the toxins or as much as possible, to lose some of this tummy and to feel better. All of those things were met while doing this cleanse. This is my second time doing this cleanse and it works every time. I really enjoy this cleanse because it is broken down you will know exactly what time to drink every drink. You will get 6 drinks to drink per day. You will start at 9am then every two hours you will drink a juice. They will give you a sheet and every juice is broken down to what it will do to your body and what you are experiencing. So nothing is in the dark. My Favorite drink on the cleanse is #4 Its black but it is the bomb to me. My least fav is #7 it has Apple Cider Vinegar its a tough one but you can do it because I DID IT. While on this cleanse if you need to eat some raw fruit and veggies you can. I didn’t do that. I wanted to just do juice and water and thats what I did. I love competition!!! I felt like I was competing against the old me. So I did the cleanse how its suppose to be done. I am a CHAMP!!!! I WON!! I BEAT THE OLD ME!!!!! I drunk so much water on this cleanse my urine looked like water. Oh the #2 cleanse has beets in it so there is a chance your urine can turn red. I drunk this juice one time and was like omg whats going on. I had to google, so I am saving you a search. I also took the MAG07 pills to help push out some more of those toxins I will leave a picture of them in this blog. I was on the toilet all three days. I had Clorox Wipes and also wipes for when I poop. This is about to get a little TMI so if you don’t want to read it skip down. I gave you a warning here goes the TMI part. So you will be on the toilet, it will be your best friend for the next couple of days. So do what you need to do clean it good, get you some mags, a book or whatever to help time pass by. So the Mag07 pills are a beast. You take these pills at night on a empty stomach with 8-12oz of water and in the morning you will be shooting fireworks in the toilet or at least it will sound like it. Don’t be alarmed your body will makes sounds you’ve never heard of, it will get a little messy. One day I used the restroom like 6 times YES pooping. If you think you are about to pass gas DON’T DO IT just go straight to the toilet. One day my butt was raw from pooping so much. Yeah I know it sounds crazy but these are facts. SHRUGS A cleanse isn’t always pretty and clean. You have been eating a lot of bad things and my friend they need to come out. One day I didn’t take the Mag07 and I didn’t poop as much. So you don’t have to take the MAg07 pills I just like to because it helps even more.I bought the MAg07 pills from Whole foods for about $27.
I did get a bad headache, I felt weak and I wasn’t so happy this started the second and third day. I knew it was from the toxins and me not eating certain foods that I am use to. I did this cleanse two days during the work week. So if you do this while working make sure you warn your co workers like I did because you will be acting a little different. You don’t want them thinking you just on a pyscho path. I felt so much better after the cleanse though. My energy went back up, no headache and I felt like a new woman. I didn’t go back to eating junk I keep it clean. Like I had a salad and fruit the next day. I didn’t have the cravings for bad food, my skin looked a little better, I felt better, my stomach went down, I lost 9 pounds, and I am still eating clean and its been 3days since my cleanse. So I hope I broke this down as much as possible. Try this cleanse is it worth it. It is $120 for the three days that not bad at all compared to other cleanses. You will get 18 drinks so that about $6 a drink. Take this cleanse, Clean you body out and start your journey of healthy eating. If you get this cleanse from Wheeze The Juice tell them LaKiesha Braggs sent you!
Thanks for reading my Blog.
I am 160 This is my first goal 150 is my next goal.